All MSU Science Theatre Demos

Here is a comprehensive list of all our current demos. We are always developing new demonstrations!

Some demos have links to a full explanation and instructions for how to perform them.

Astronomy Demos

  1. Solar System Model

Biology Demos

  1. DNA from Strawberries
  2. Keep Your Balance (aka Magic Spoon)
  3. Predator and Prey

Chemistry Demos

  1. Acetone and Styrofoam
  2. Candy Conflagration
  3. Elephant Toothpaste
  4. Liquid Nitrogen
  5. Non Burning Money
  6. Polymer Milk Jug
  7. Skittle Chromatography
  8. Whoosh Bottle

Geoscience Demos

  1. Seismometer
  2. Shaker Table

Physics Demos

  1. Bed of Nails
  2. Bernoulli's Principle
  3. Crush the Can
  4. Faraday Cage
  5. Favorite Dixie Cup
  6. Flame Tube
  7. Geiger Counter
  8. Vacuum Spheres (aka Magna Spheres)
  9. Marshmallow Smashies
  10. Tesla Coil
  11. Theremin
  12. Van de Graaff Generator
  13. Water Balloon Catch

Math Demos

  1. Binary Counter
  2. Four Number Trick
  3. Robot Sandwich Maker